Writer's Life - Raven's Cry ARC Squad Spotlight!
/It’s release week! Come meet my awesome Raven’s Cry ARC Squad!
Read MoreIt’s release week! Come meet my awesome Raven’s Cry ARC Squad!
Read MoreHello, friends! I am so excited because I get to share my new book baby's cover with you! YAAAAAAAAAY! Are you ready? *Drumroll...*
Coming Sept. 5, 2017
An expedition to an exotic foreign city. An assassin in hiding, waiting to strike. World changing discoveries.
And, per my usual Broken Gears style, there's a little extra goodie on the back cover of the physical book:
Did I mention I'm excited? Now I want to share the book with you too! How about a little teaser?
Eeeeeeeee! 😆 This, my awesome friends, is why I haven't had a blog post in a little while. I've been so busy trying to get preorders and all the admin stuff that comes with releasing a book done. If you've never done it, let me just tell you: it's a lot. For instance, there are about five different places I have to enter my new book's information, and that's just for Amazon! Sorry there's not much else to report at the moment. But, hey! If you follow me on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc., you can keep up with me on a daily basis. Thanks for reading!
In which I get real about one of my writing weaknesses and endeavor to pull myself over the brick wall I'm facing.
Read MoreNew newsletter announcement and how to win free Kindle copies of all three of my books. Hint: there's a connection between the former and the latter ;)
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