Your Feedback Needed: Where Are We Going?
/Image by Kirk Fisher from Pixabay (source)
Y’all may have noticed my blogging has fallen off a bit. Being totally honest, for the last few months I’ve felt pretty directionless when it comes to the blog. I have plenty of content, but I don’t have a great feel for what YOU ALL want. So let’s fix that. This week, I just have a short survey. If you don’t want to put your name, no worries. This can be as anonymous as you like. And there’s a $10 Amazon gift card in it for one lucky participant. Just be sure to include your name and email* if you want to be entered in the drawing. Otherwise, how am I gonna know how to contact you? I’ll do the drawing in two weeks.
*Your email will only be used for this drawing; nothing else.
Thanks for your help, everyone!